Soft lavender petals with bright yellow centers make these Daisy Pom Pons a charming addition to any bouquet.
Lavender Daisy Pom Pons (Chrysanthemums) bring a refreshing burst of color to any floral arrangement. These blooms, with their delicate lavender petals and cheerful yellow centers, create a light and airy aesthetic that complements a wide range of styles. To keep them looking their best, ensure they are placed in fresh, cool water upon arrival. Recut the stems at a slight angle and remove any leaves that might fall below the waterline. Change the water every two days and keep the flowers away from direct sunlight and drafts for prolonged freshness.
Additional information
Weight | 0.75 lbs |
Dimensions | 12 × 1 × 1 in |
color | LAVENDER |
flower | YES |